Massage has several benefits that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. You can increase flexibility and range of motion, decreasing your chances of injury. Circulation is increased, moving blood containing vital oxygen and nutrients to the muscles that need it the most. This movement of blood allows the tissue to recover more quickly from your work out. Chemicals like Lactic Acid are removed from the muscles, decreasing soreness and allowing for quicker healing. Massage is a great way to increase physical as well as emotional health. Massage increases your sense of self worth, so you are more likely to maintain your exercise and massage routine. When you take care of your body with regular exercise and massage, you're more likely to make good decisions when it comes to things like sleep habits, and diet, both very important factors in maintaining a healthy life style.
"Massage to weight loss is like the padding on a steering wheel - you can do without it, but it makes it a lot easier and more comfortable to hang on to." -Jeff Mann, Massage Therapist and Personal Trainer